Presentation Centre Open By Appointment
February 12, 2021
The team at Birchwood Homes is working hard to ensure the safety of our purchasers, potential clients and employees. With safety and caution in mind, at this time our Presentation Centre will be open by appointment only. This will allow us to space out visits, providing ample time to clean and lower the crossover of visitors.
When You Visit
Those who book an appointment will be required to answer the screening questions upon arrival or via phone right before entering. While in the Presentation Centre, all visitors are required to wear a mask that covers nose and mouth as well as maintain a 6 foot distance from the representative they are working with at all times.
Postponing Your Visit
To help protect our staff and all visitors we ask anyone who is…
- Not feeling well or
- Has been in contact with a known positive case of COVID-19 within the last 14 days or
- Has travelled outside of Canada within the last 14 days
Postpone their appointment with Birchwood Homes.
Thank you for working with us to keep those around us safe during this time.